To create an account on TeslaPay, open the home page click Register and Personal account.
Registration step by step
1. Fill in the information:
- Enter your full name as it is stated in your identification document (if you have more than one name/surname, enter it);
- The e-mail you entered you will use in the future to login to your account;
- Enter the phone number where you can get SMS code for the registration/login to your account.
2. Continue filling in information:
- Enter the code that you got to your phone;
- Create the password you will use to login (use at least one upper and lower letter, number and min 8 symbols);
- Enter your Personal Identity Code from your identification document (not the number of the document) or date of birth if you do not have personal identification code;
- Choose your citizenship country (if you are planning to register with the residence permit, you can indicate it in the next step).
3. Enter information related to your address:
- Enter your permanent residence address (there you can specify the country of your residence permit);
- If your contact address is the same as permanent residence address, mark the checkbox "Is the same as Permanent Residence";
4. Select are you PEP or related to PEP.
5. Select your occupation: employee, business owner, freelancer/Self-employed, or other.
Select the source of your potential income on the TeslaPay account (choose all that apply).
Afterward, you will be redirected to verify your identity so make sure you have your ID nearby. You can read more about how to verify your identity here.