To report your card was lost or stolen or if you want to block it for any reason, please call +37052499960. This is an automated line for blocking cards.
During the call, you will be asked to verify your identity with the phone number that you used when opening an account with us, as well as with your personal identity code / unique sequence of characters/date of birth (YYYYMMDD) - whichever you used when opening an account with us.
You may also block your card through your online account:
- Log in to your account, find the menu on the left-hand side, press Cards and All cards.
- Then you will see a list of all of the cards that you own. There will be a list of options next to each card.
- If you cannot find your card and want to freeze it temporarily for security reasons, choose Soft Block. By choosing a soft block, you will be able to unblock your card at any time.
If you are sure that your card was lost or stolen, please choose the Block Forever option. This option does not allow you to unblock your card, therefore be sure to order a new card afterward.